Thursday, April 11, 2013

Chasing Dreams

I wrote 'Benjamin Oliver Flanagan' over a Christmas holiday many years ago. I was recently divorced and spending time with family in Missouri. My sister-in-law's mother, Rosemary - a sweet, Godly and wonderful woman told me that the best advice a friend had given her during her own similar crisis was to simply "go wait outside, and let God handle it."  I found the sentiment refreshing and entirely relevant to my dire straits of the time, so I sat down and penned the tale of Benjamin and Speedy.

I posted the story on a poetry website a few months later and was contacted by a publisher in Cleveland that wanted to produce Benjamin. After a year of putting all the pieces together, Benjamin was published in a limited release and then quietly faded into that place where most children's books disappear to.  The publisher has since gone out of business, but I had enough good feedback on the tale over the years to take a chance and put it on Kindle earlier this month, just to test the waters.  The response was overwhelming!  My brother convinced me to put it back in print, and I was anxious to do so but didn't want to rake people over the coals with a book that cost more than I felt it was worth.  My new publisher increased the size of the book and decreased the printing costs by more than 50%, making it a much more affordable option that I couldn't balk at.

I received a few phone calls, text messages and emails asking when the next Benjamin and Speedy tale would be released - and I honestly didn't have an answer. I contacted Kevin Scott Collier, the original illustrator and discussed the costs associated with developing about 40 new images for 'Benjamin & the Heavy Load', the next tale in what I hope will be an ongoing series of life lessons for Benjamin & his trusty companion.  The production costs are more than I can currently pony up, and even if I had the dough, the chances of recouping that investment within my limited market are slim to none.  Let's face it, folks - unless your name is Dr. Seuss it's kind of tough to make a living in the inspirational children's book realm.

But this project is not about money or getting rich.  It's about moral lessons given to me by my father that I want to pass along to as many impressionable young minds as I possibly can. Would I love to see the Benjamin series as a best-seller?  You betcha!  But more important to me is the smiles I get from children who love the characters, adventure and lyrical dance of my work - and I know they can't read the stories without having some of the kindness, faith and trust impacting their lives, and ultimately help them make better, kinder and wiser choices as they grow.

I've got the story - I just need your help in funding the art creation and helping offset the costs of audio production.  If you support positive literature for young people, I sincerely hope you'll consider helping me bring another positive tale to new life.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go wait outside and see if this dream is going to come to fruition. Blessings to you and yours!

Here's the link to the fundraiser - give what you can, if you can - and share the effort with your friends.

Much love!  Dream Big Dreams!


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